Effectiveness of leadership and management

  • Leaders and staff have created a welcoming community for students and families. The school values are firmly embedded and help create a calm and purposeful environment. The headteacher and all staff are working hard to ensure that student’ outcomes improve. 
  • Teachers in the early stages of their career welcome the support and guidance they receive from senior teachers. 
  • Senior teachers have a good understanding of their responsibilities. They ensure that teaching assistants have the necessary skills and guidance to provide support and challenge to students. 
  • The curriculum is broad, balanced and provides a focus for learning. There is an emphasis on critical thinking to give students the skills needed to make well-reasoned judgements. 
  • A carefully planned timetable students enjoy the many sporting events in which they take part. 
  • The school’s values are shared by all staff. As a result, pupils are confident and feel safe in the school.  Provision for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is strong. 
  • Leaders support students with a wide range of learning and social needs, so they make good progress from their individual starting points. 
  • The curriculum promotes our values well. Students have a good understanding of tolerance and respect. They know how the school rules enable equality for all students. 


  •  The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
  • The deputy headteacher as the designated safeguarding lead officer has ensured that all safeguarding arrangements and records are of a high quality. Staff receive annual training and regular updates about current safeguarding practice. All staff know how to recognise warning signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm and how to report their concerns. Records are comprehensive and show that swift action is taken should the need arise. The deputy headteacher’s knowledge of families and students ensures that kids are safe and supported.  
  • Students’ safety is of the highest importance to all members of the school community. Students report that they feel safe at school. They demonstrate good knowledge and understanding of issues such as online safety. They know what to do should they have concerns about safety issues and said they knew staff in the school would listen and help them. Students said there is very little bullying but know what to do if their friends are bullied. They said that, although there are very few incidents of bullying in school, they feel confident that they could report it and the adults in school would deal with it swiftly and effectively.

Quality of teaching, learning and assessment

  •  Overall the quality of teaching is excellent. However, there is some variability across classes. Teachers provide opportunities for students to work together and share ideas.
  • The teaching of writing and phonics are strengths of the school. Students have opportunities to write for different purposes and their writing is enhanced by the many visits to places of interest. Pupils are able to plan and edit their work. They use a range of interesting vocabulary which enlivens their writing. They are able to apply grammatical skills but there is limited use of a range of punctuation, especially in the younger classes. Students’ writing shows very good progress. However, handwriting and presentation is variable across classes.
  • All staff model good English to students. Adults support students’ speaking and listening skills. There is an expectation that students speak in full sentences and there are interesting opportunities to encourage this. from  Year 1 class pupils were encouraged to ask questions, using a microphone, as a news reporter. Teachers’ skilful questioning enables pupils to articulate their ideas and answer with confidence.
  • Teachers now provide opportunities for students to develop fluency in arithmetic. This is providing pupils with the knowledge, skills and confidence to develop a good understanding of mathematics. 
  • Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve, and most learning is pitched at an appropriate level. Teachers assess pupils’ work and provide individualised targets, which are regularly updated, to enable pupils to make good progress. However, there are still areas where pupils’ misconceptions are not addressed and consequently they continue to make the same mistakes, especially in mathematics. 

Personal development and welfare

  • The school’s work to promote students’ personal development and welfare. Students are polite, well-mannered and courteous. The mutual respect between students and adults is evident in all areas of the school. 
  • Students are very proud of their school and eager to share all their achievements. They are keen to share the work in their topic books and explain how they improve their writing. 
  • The school environment is calm and purposeful. Pupils say they feel safe at school. They said that bullying rarely happens and that they know staff will help to resolve any issues effectively. Pupils are confident in how to keep safe on the internet and are aware of the safe use of mobile phones. Pupils get along very well and playtimes are happy times. 


  • The behaviour of students is outstanding. Students enjoy learning and work hard. They are conscientious and keen to do their best. A calm and orderly atmosphere exists in classrooms, around corridors and in the dining hall. The playground is a happy and lively place and students enjoy their playtimes because instances of poor behaviour are rare. 
  • The school has worked very hard to improve students’ attendance. Students and families are constantly reminded of the importance of attending school. 
  • The school is a welcoming and inclusive environment, where all feel part of the community. The curriculum encourages students to respect all and treat others equally.