Behaviour & Safety

The outstanding behaviour at Kangaroo Kids School ensures that students are safer, less likely to be bullied, and can focus on their learning. We don’t use any stickers or behaviour charts. Our pupils want to learn, and they manage their own behaviour. 

Anti-Bullying Policy

What is bullying?

We define bullying as repeated verbal, non-verbal, physical or emotional abuse that is intended to threaten, intimidate or harm another person.

Our aim at Kangaroo Kids School is to make sure:

Our school is a safe and happy place free from any kind of bullying behaviour. Staff, students and parents are clear on what types of behaviour constitute bullying. We take immediate and positive action to prevent bullying from occurring through a clear and consistent school policy. 

We have clear expectations and foster partnerships with parents to maintain a bully free environment. As potential victims or bystanders, we assume shared responsibility for the reporting of bullying to ensure it can be dealt with immediately.

Behaviour Policy

At Kangaroo Kids School, we aim to create a positive, safe and secure environment, so that all members of the school community can excel and enjoy a full school life. We aim to encourage self-discipline, where pupils are able to manage their own behaviour and treat each other and staff with courtesy & respect.

We aim to build positive relationships with each other, with the children and their families. We all have rights and responsibilities and believe that everyone in the school is important and to be valued. We expect each individual to respect one another, their family, culture & beliefs. We ensure that lessons fully meet the needs & interests of all students.


Adults are expected at all times to:

• Maintain a calm manner & learning climate; and regular routines.
• Show respect and build positive relationships.
• Promote personal responsibility and self-management.
• Be fair and consistent.
• Acknowledge and praise pupils when they try their best.

Children are expected at all times to:

• Treat everyone with respect.
• Take responsibility for their own actions.
• Participate fully, and collaborate effectively in lessons.
• Promote the good name of the school by being positive role models outside and with visitors.
• Keep themselves and each other safe, including on the internet.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Kangaroo Kids School is committed to provide a secure environment for students, where children feel safe and are kept safe and all staff contribute to the culture of vigilance which is embedded in our school.

The purpose of Kangaroo Kids School’s safeguarding policy is to ensure every child at our school is
safe and protected from harm. This means we will always work to:
● Protect children at our school from maltreatment;
● Prevent impairment of our children’s mental and physical health or development;
● Ensure that children at our school grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care;
● Undertake that role so as to enable children at our school to have the best outcomes.